I would sincerely like to thank everyone who has given me Blog Awards. It tickles my heart to know you think I deserve them.
Kim from Homesteader's Heart has gifted me with this wonderful Christmas Spirit Award.
Kim from Homesteader's Heart has gifted me with this wonderful Christmas Spirit Award.

Also, Kel @ Girl in the Glasses, was sweet enough to think of me and gave me this:

I got this award from Sandi over at Pregnant with Cancer a little while ago but I'm just now posting it. I want to say thank you to her for this I do appreciate each and every award, honestly! Sandi and I seem to have an ENORMOUS amount in common! It seems like every day we discover even more. Hmm who knows maybe we'll be swapping phone numbers before long.

Sandi @ Pregnant With Cancer gave me this greatly desired award:

This was sent to me by Lindsey from A Kindred Spirit's Thoughts!

Amanda from Divine Chaos awarded me with this one, The Smile Award. Thank you woman! If you haven't checked out her blog you should!
Jamey @ Walking By Faith gave me this pretty award!

Tena @ Punky Monkeys awarded me with this award. Thanks Tena!!

Sandi over at Pregnant with Cancer awarded me with TWO awards! You guys need to check out her blog it is extremely informative! She too was pregnant while she had cancer but she had to have chemotherapy while pregnant!
Here are the awards she gave me:

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