Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tackle it Tuesday

It's been rather hectic this week but I did manage to do a lot of work in both the girls' room and the boys' room. I even did the dreaded sorting out of toy boxes in the girls' room. It is really amazing how much stuff six children accumulate! I did make tremendous progress! I got rid of five garbage bags cram packed! Hopefully they don't miss too much. We did have a birthday last week so I was following my rule one in.....twenty out!  Well anyhow, all of the toys now fit into the toy box.

I also cleaned up in the boys' room and managed to get all of their clothes in their drawers! Now I can walk through their room to the back door without breaking my neck! Well, it WAS clean. At least for four days!


  1. Way to go! Have a great Tuesday.

  2. Great job. Want to come to my house now? jk

  3. Great job! THat is a lot to tackle! You have a beautiful family!

  4. I can only immagine all the STUFF that 6 could accumulate. Someday I hope to tackle that challenge. But even now, I still periodically get rid of some of Monkey's toys.


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