Tuesday, September 23, 2008

TT/TAT - Clothes Line Madness

This week I decided to remodel the three boys' room!
Isn't it great??????

NOT! Boy I wish!

No Seriously! This week I tried to hang a clothesline! Actually I hung four, twice so far! And I'm about to seriously give up! Trying to hang them high enough so that the six kiddies don't hang on them, yet I can still reach, and the clothes don't drag the ground!

I was trying to do it without having to buy anything other than clothespins and line but it looks like I am gonna have to get a center support. BUMMER!

I hung out my first four loads Friday and it was so humid it never dried. I then woke up Saturday to find ALL of it on the ground (the hook came out of the 4x4). Tightened everything (AGAIN) and then when it was almost dry---IT POURED!!!!! JEEZ!

I would just give up if I hadn't done a little research on Friday and found out that I could save an average of 74 cents per load! With a family of eight I figured that would amount to approximately $92.00 a month!!!!! In a year approximately $1,104.00!!!!!

That little discovery has encouraged me to continue my efforts!!!!!!


  1. He he! Reminds me of a few shortcuts I have tried on my own and failed too. Oh boy.

    Good luck with getting the line up. It will be very cold here in a few weeks, so a clothsline will be out of the picture for me. ( unless you're amish) Mine only holds two loads anyways. ( I have about 8 or 9 this morning alone and it's very humid today)

  2. Wow, that's a good chunk of change to save each month! Hope it works out. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. For a second I thought you were a decorating guru!

    Good luck withe the clothesline!

  4. lol that first picture is so nice and yet so out of my league! lol

    Good tackling!

  5. Wow! I had no idea that not using a dryer saves so much money! Our neighborhood doesn't allow clotheslines, not even the retractable kind.

  6. What a great tackle! I am in awe of people who hang their wash. My SIL does this and she saves tons!

  7. Good luck on getting that line to stay up. I love the smell of clothes dried on the line.

  8. OMG! You can savethat much well what's stopping you! Go go go! Hahahaha!

    Ahhhhh boys and clothesline! Good luck!

  9. Keep at it! That is awesome.

    *I love potter.y ba.rn


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